Water tube boiler design software is meant for Bi-drum water tube package boilers.
The type of boilers that can be designed include all Oil fired boiler (fuel oil nos 1..6.., Furnace Oil, LSHS, Low Speed and High Speed Diesel Oil ..etc) and Gas fired boiler (Natural Gas boilers, BF gas, refinery gas ..etc). Both High pressure and low pressure boilers up to a steam rating of 150,000 kg/hr (330,000 kg/hr) can be designed.
Main Features :
- Optimum design with AutoDesign feature
- Extensive Fuel database.
- Custom Fuels can be added to database
- Extensive help giving Design methodologies, Design tips and Good Engineering practices
- Detalied report of the final design with Print option
- Water/Steam/Gas properties,Combustion/Heat Transfer/Pressure drop calculations
- MKS/SI/FPS units supported
- Developed using latest .NET technologies of C# and XML
- AutoDesign feature gives optimum design. Users are alerted if any of the important design parameters exceed their limiting values.